Tuesdays weather was questionable from the get go, overcast with the chance of rain. We didn't pay much attention to the forecast or the "prognostico" (spanish for weather forcast). I don't know why, but every time I see the word "prognostico" I have the sense that someone is going to abuptly bend me over and perform a colonoscopy on me. I start the morning off by watching the prognostico and I am sure that I don't have the most pleasant look on my face. Back on task here. We planned on walking to Plaza San Martin with Payton in the Chariot jogging stroller for the first time, and we would view all of the surrounding areas. We were approximately 1.5hrs walking distance from our apartment and had just walked onto the Plaza San Martin where Payton found another crowded playground at the plaza. Well, just when we were walking towards the swing, we saw a flash of light around us followed by a bone shaking sound of thunder. Amazingly enough, the playground became empty quickly following the thunder and lightening since all of the play equipment is metal. We steered away from there and walked toward a statue of General San Martin when the rain started pouring down upon us. I don't know if many of you know, but I truly love the smell of recent rain on wet asphalt. However, this time my enjoyment of the rain and pavement was short lived when I started smelling the porteno who was on the other side of the monument from us. He literally smelled like someone who had excreted urine/feces all over himself for the last week. As the rain continued to drop, the foul smell continued to emminate towards us. We increased our pace and found ourselves underneath a grove of trees by the palace San Martin. We were extremely glad we brought the Chariot so that Payton was enclosed and dry, while mine and Jen's shirts started to adhere to us. Since it is summer time here, we initially thought it might be a quick shower and we could continue on our way, but unfortunately this was not the case. After approximately 5-10minutes we headed back home. During the entire walk back to the apartment, the rain didn't subside and our clothes were no longer a barrier for our skin, but merely an additional layer of wetness. I should say the rain was actually quite refreshing. We finally made it back to the apartment and Jen and I were both wet, but Payton was dry and she had slept the whole way home.
Wednesday we made it back to Plaza San Martin to finish what we had strated the day before. We walked into the train station, unfortunately no photos. We couldn' t proceed past the lobby area without a ticket. With the hundreds of people entering and leaving the station, we felt a little uncomfortable with the three of us and the Chartiot. Let me say one thing. I don't think anyone in South America own's a Chariot or jogging stroller. When we were walking yesterday Jen made the comment, "If my left breast was hanging out of my shirt, I don't think anyone would notice it over our Chariot." I think that statement sums it all up. We get a lot of looks and smiles while walking...or I should say Payton get a lot of looks while riding in the Chariot.
Our walk yesterday, Wednesday, took us to the Puerto Madero, Plaza de Mayo and the Obelisco.
It was warm and humid, and we had our worst food since in South America. Truly, my meal was probably the worst I've had in years. We were hungry and hot and we found a restaurant that looked inviting with air conditioning. We were walking the pier at Puerto Madera and I knew it was a tourist restaurant, but once again, hungry. I should have known when they had menus in
Today, RAIN! We stayed around the neighborhood and walked through some nice furniture shops. Quality goods for reasonable prices. Jen wants to buy some things and send them home. Unfortunately, without being taxed up the wazoo, we have to find an Argentinian/American with a DNI (equalivant to social security number) to be the one to actually ship the merchandise. We'll see! We finally found a coffee shop that I like and it is inexpensive. It only took me a week! Payton's sleeping now, taking her afternoon nap, so we will have to wait and decide what to do for the rest of the day. Thanks to all for your encouraging and thoughtful emails. I realize the blog is quite lengthy. I apologize.
I am back, and now it is the evening. Everytime I set down to put an entry in, I tell myself to shorten things up. Obviously, it's not happening. This afternoon we again visited the park, as we do everyday. Today was different in that Payton suprised us. Her gross motor skills exploded today.
She climbed up a metal arch ladder independently and asked to go on the big girl swing, which she also did great on. Unfortunatley she lost her concentration on the swing after about 5 minutes and she let go, causing her to fall off, but there was sand beneath her and she wasn't very high off the ground. A few tears and she moved on. This park is a busy one and she watches all of the older kids and has started to mimic their actions. It is fun to watch her experiment with new movements and abilities and most of all to watch her blossum into such a sweet little girl. Don't be sad grandparents, because we will keep you so informed of her
To all of our family and friends, please continue to send emails and comments. We love to hear from you! For those of you who don't know us, send us your thoughts. We are getting roughly 100+ visitors a week to our blog. I promise this boring stuff will end soon once we leave BA and our adventure truly begins. For the family: A picture of Payton doing her thing in public and saying, "Don't look at me."
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